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Meet DbD's Founder & CEO


The Founder/CEO of Divine by Design Mentoring Co (DbD), Ebony Belt, MM, CTSS, (Certified Trauma Support Specialist) has had her share of trauma and struggles to overcome through these life experiences. Ebony believes God created a unique blueprint for each person's life that is unique to their purpose. Raised without either parent, Ebony always knew she wanted to assist other girls who faced the same struggles. She has faced many traumatic events and obstacles from a very young age but always knew her purpose was BIG! Her grandmother kept her in church, giving her a strong foundation in her faith in God. Life happened fast and hard for Ebony, dropping out of school in the 12th grade and having her first son at 19. Determined to work hard and be the parent she did not have, through many divine situations, Ebony obtained a job at the Prince Georges County Police Department as a clerk, where her desire to help others deepened. After getting pregnant with her 

daughter, she knew she had to be an example, not just talk, so she

obtained her GED and one month later started her associate's program, where she received a Psychology degree. Ebony did not stop there; she wanted to learn more about human behavior and obtained her bachelor's degree in psychology and master's in management. After working for the PG Police Department for ten years, she began working for Nonprofit organizations where she has worked with foster care youth, the homeless population, and at-risk youth. Determined to beat all odds, she knows that just because obstacles appear or mistakes are made, nothing can stop destiny and purpose; Ebony built DbD after many of her life events. As a certified trauma support specialist Ebony ensures trauma-informed care is at the forefront of all services provided by DbD. She is also Certified Safe Dates facilitator young women how to be in healthy relationships. Ebony continues to take her life experiences, past and present, lessons learned, and newfound wisdom to pour into the services of DbD and all young women she encounters! She always says, "If I had a ME when I was growing up, things would be much different."

Divine by Design Mentoring knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by but, most notably, through the actions of our initiatives. In 2018, our CEO realized the importance of mentorship and how it greatly helps youth overcome challenges brought on by trauma, which is why Divine by Design Mentoring Co. was born!

Book The CEO

Do you have an event where you’d like DbD’s Founder & CEO to be a speaker or panelist? 


"Divine by Design led a fantastic training session on Trauma-Informed Mentoring with the mentors working with our girls. The session was incredibly informative and demonstrated the expertise of this organization. I would highly recommend it!"                                 

                             - Jess Marie, Community Bridges

Living Life By God's Design

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